ETS Silat now offers instructional Digital Downloads to help practitioners of any Silat style build real self defense skills!
Guru Darren Felsot is the founder of Edged Tactical Systems (ETS) and has over 27 years of experience in Pencak Silat and Kali.
Other teachers that Guru Darren has had the honor to train with include Kang Cecep Arif Rahman "Panglipur Pencak Silat" featured in one of the all time martial arts movies Raid 2, John Wick 3. Others include: Ki Yuda, one of the best Cimande Guru's I have trained with, Guru Ismail Sujadi of "Pasundan Pencak Silat", an amazing Cimande teacher. Former teachers I would like to thank for paving my way into the amazing art of Pencak Silat are Pendekar Sanders and Jeff Davidson. These two great practitioners shared knowledge with me that I will never forget.
ETS Silat in Palm Beach County, Florida has earned the reputation for being one of the top defense programs. Learning a ETS will enhance all aspects of your life. You will learn how to walk the walk of a warrior and acquire the skills to defend yourself in any situation with mind/body/spirit as your ultimate goal.
ETS offers a progressive learning environment where students learn at there own pace. The atmosphere is stress free and everyone trains together and pushes each other to be the best and understand the material they are presented with. All the students that train at ETS have one goal in mind: to learn how to protect themselves in any situation. Call Guru Darren Felsot and take your training to the next level.
ETS Silat is dedicated to teaching the purist form of Pencak Silat as it was past down to us from our teachers and ancestors. Our goal is to enhance students with confidence and skills that may save your life and possibly your families life some day. Building character and honing the soul with the warrior spirit of Pencak Silat is our end goal.
ETS Silat focuses on real self defense tactics that have been proven in combat situations.
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Private Lessons are available by appointment
ETS Silat Class schedule is posted every week on GroupMe app. Call for more information on classes and times.